Saturday, July 14, 2018

Joy Has Come in the Morning

I awoke at about 3:15 this morning.  I wasn't sleepy at all.  So I began to go over scripture, and praying for my own health, and for my precious children.  I spoke Truth over them.  I claimed health for them (in body, soul and spirit).  My compassion was stirred as I considered the world they live in, and the limited understanding they have - they haven't had nearly as many years as I have to learn the many things that I know by now.  
When I speak Truth over them I imagine all kinds of blessings on them.  Tonight I prayed specifically for their bodies - which is the Temple of the Holy Spirit - and for an ever-increasing Spirit of Wisdom and Discernment, so that when they are at a crossroads and have to figure out which way to go, they will know right from wrong - and they will be able to reason their way from "God's principle to how that will manifest in their daily lives.  

This prayer - though I was aware that strength fueled it - did  not cause weariness, and I am not drained.  When prayer is inspired by the Holy Spirit, your heart is engaged and there is a sense of peace.  

It is now a minute past 6 and I hear the birds beginning to sing.  Though it is still dark, they have begun to announce the coming of the dawn.  It is so with my prayers....  In the quiet, dark places of a desperate heart, my prayers begin to ascend to God in His heavenly tabernacle.  Their fragrance permeates the atmosphere, and like the pervading smell of sweet incense, slowly a change begins to occur -  and movement begins within my Father's house.  Angels are sent out on heavenly missions, battles are fought in the heavenlies, and people experience miracles both great and small.  New roads are taken, forgotten promises are remembered, and like the sun as it rises upon men, the light grows ever brighter; the shadows disappear; praises ring forth to the Creater, and I am still -

Because Joy has come in the morning!

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