Monday, July 30, 2018

Gather Round, My Children

sleep or pray

It's 3:30 a.m., and I'm so tired. My body would certainly rather be asleep in my warm bed, resting and enjoying this home He has given to us, perhaps dreaming of heavenly things.
I'm so thankful, Lord, for the beautiful moon that I know is just outside my window, hanging with the stars, casting a lovely glow on this world below.
Thank you, Lord, that You have brought me to this point – to this night – that I might pray for my beloved children. I cannot stop the flow of Your love – for them – through me. Was I brought to this very moment in time so that You could love them tonight and they would know it? I have prayed that you would give me the words – the very words – the exact words – to strengthen them and fill them with joy. Dig deep in the clay of my heart and till that ground until it perfectly matches Your perfect heart. Break up the clots of hardened dirt and replace it with the good soil.
Let Your roots grow into my heart and from there bear fruit. Fruit for my children.
Tonight I come to Your throne, to ask permission to speak with authority of Your love to them. I ask that the seed that comes from my heart that You have grown there would fall where you will – in all parts of their lives, and nourish them the way it was intended.
There have been times when I have complained and moaned and wished that my time was up, but tonight I am brought to that place of thanksgiving and pent up joy over the fact that I can still be used to bless them! They are still here, and I am still here.... Oh, dear God, let Your love be perfected through me and in me. Love my children through me. Hear my prayer and forgive my sins that would block the flow of Your love to them, if I were not careful – careful to yield all that I am and all that I want or ever will be to You!
In the name of Jesus – who is our Savior – bring shalom to us all. They are Yours and Yours alone, Heavenly Father. Forgive their sins, give them grace to repent, and cleanse them from all unrighteousness. Let your purpose for each one be fulfilled. Let not one be lost.
This prayer could easily carry on through the hours that bring dawn. And I pray let it be so. When I have lain down upon my bed once again tonight, may wordless prayers go up without ceasing like incense to please You. I lay before You my request for the eyes of Jesus to be Your eyes upon my children. I love them Father. I am what I always wanted to be – their mother....



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